MAGNA MEDICA Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan
Journal DescriptionJournal title: Magna Medika: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Abbreviation: magnamed ISSN: 2774-2318 (e) 2407-0505 (p) DOI Prefix: 10.26714/magnamed by Type of peer-review: double-blind Indexing: Publons and view more Frequency: 2 issues/year (Feb, Aug) Business model: OpenAccess, Author-Pays Journal History: See Journal history Editors: See Editorial Team Organized by: APKKM Publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang |
1 week | 4-8 weeks |
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Language in Magna Medika Publication |
Dear Author Manuscript submitted to Magna Medika preferably in English, but it may submit in Indonesia. The manuscript is accepted to publish at volume 9 (2022) and so on, so the manuscript must be converted into English Chief in Editor |
Posted: 2024-08-12 | |
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Vol 11, No 2 (2024): August
Table of Contents
Kornelis Aribowo, Wiwi Monica Sari
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.114-121
Abstract view : 117 times |
Felicia Renata, Artrien Adhiputri, Suyatmi Suyatmi
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.122-129
Abstract view : 122 times |
Ahmad Husairi, Gt. Muhammad Irhamna Husin, Raihan Febri Rumboko, Muhammad Immas Kurniawan
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.130-144
Abstract view : 143 times |
Ida Yuliana, Triawanti Triawanti, Muhammad Darwin Prenggono, Ika Kustiyah Oktaviyanti, Asnawati Asnawati, Fahrina Ulfah, Irfan Maulana
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.145-153
Abstract view : 140 times |
Siti Kaidah, Lia Yulia Budiarti, Nazla Puteri Azhari, Shofia Hilwa Ihsanti
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.154-168
Abstract view : 133 times |
Mohammad Subkhan, Meltritania Arief Rezacharawa, Muslim Andala Putra, Afrita Amalia Laitupa, Putu Bagus Dharma Permana, Laily Irfana
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.169-180
Abstract view : 215 times |
Malik Hisyam Adnan, Maya Dian Rakhmawatie, Yanuarita Tursinawati
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.181-188
Abstract view : 116 times |
Lelly Yuniarti, Tryando Bhatara, Maya Tejasari, Miranti Kania Dewi, Sadiah Ahmad, Yuktian Kharisma
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.189-197
Abstract view : 188 times |
Asri Hendrawati, Nur Aini Djunet
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.198-204
Abstract view : 139 times |
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Munanda Andin, Dwi Syahputri Purba, Diani Sari Panggabean
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.205-213
Abstract view : 132 times |
Burhanuddin Ichsan, Anika Candrasari, Faiz Maulana, Zahra Hafizha Fitria Anam
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.214-226
Abstract view : 136 times |
Annisa Yustin, Laily Irfana, Nina Devi Indrawati, Era Catur Prasetya, Muhammad Najib Mohamad Alwi
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.227-239
Abstract view : 172 times |
Roni Subagyo, Dewi Pratiwi, Devi Eka Ramadhani, Hasan Hasan, Sista Diahlaksmi, Salsabillah Kemangi Urrachman
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.240-250
Abstract view : 244 times |
Case Report
Sutrisno Sutrisno, Etty Hary Kusumastuti, Ridholia Ridholia, Hasan Hasan
DOI : 10.26714/magnamed.11.2.2024.251-258
Abstract view : 105 times |