Estimating Diabetes in Pregnant Women by FINDRISC

Sri Sahayati(1*), Merita Eka Rahmuniyati(2)

(1) Public Health Undergraduate Program, Health Science Faculty, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Public Health Undergraduate Program, Health Science Faculty, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Background:  Gestational diabetes is an increased sensitivity to carbohydrates that affects pregnant women. Pregnancy-related gestational diabetes typically manifests between 24 and 36 weeks of gestation and goes away at delivery. The potential that pregnant women with gestational diabetes may continue to have the disease even after giving delivery is not disproved, nevertheless..

Objective: The purpose of this study is to use FINDRISC to describe the risk level of diabetes during pregnancy.

Methods: 50 pregnant women who participated in this cross-sectional study served as responders. By responding to a survey, found at, the research was completed. and then an evaluation of diabetes, called FINDRISC. FINDRISC is frequently used for early diabetes screening to estimate a person's risk of developing diabetes. The data was processed using SPSS 25.0 after the survey's respondents completed it.

Results: Out of 50 respondents, it was determined that 29 people fall into the very low risk category, 15 people fall into the low risk category, and 6 people go into the suspected risk category because they had a FINDRISC score of nine or above. Out of the six individuals with a probable risk of developing diabetes, three (50%) had high blood sugar levels, four (67%) had excess BMT and obesity, abdomen circumference >80 cm (100%), physical activity 4 days per week (67%) and had a family history (67%).

Conclusion: Out of 50 respondents, 29 were classified as having a very low risk of developing diabetes, 15 as having a low risk, and 6 as having a suspected high risk of developing diabetes, according to the study's findings.


Diabetes, Pregnant, FINDRISC, Risk

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