Public Knowledge about Covid-19 and Public Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ni Putu Emy Darma Yanti(1*), I Made Arie Dharma Putra Nugraha(2), Gede Adi Wisnawa(3), Ni Putu Dian Agustina(4), Ni Putu Arsita Diantari(5)

(1) Universitas Udayana
(2) Universitas Udayana
(3) Universitas Udayana
(4) Universitas Udayana
(5) Universitas Udayana
(*) Corresponding Author


Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 is a pandemic that has resulted in mortality and mortality rates in various parts of the world. Good knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic and having a clean and healthy behavior as an effort to prevent transmission of COVID-19 is important to apply. The aim of the research is to find a picture of the community about the COVID-19 pandemic and people's behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive survey design on 150 communities in Sumerta Kelod Village, Denpasar, Bali through purposive sampling. Research using a questionnaire as a data tool and the data were analyzed univariately by presenting the variable frequency distribution. The results of the analysis obtained public knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic in the good category, namely 70%. The distribution of community behavior shows that the community has complied with health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the community case categories are in the low-risk case category (85.33%).


coronavirus disease 19; pandemic; public knowledge; public behavior

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