The Influence of Environmental Performance Towards Creating Shared Value on Sri-Kehati Index
(1) Universitas Jakarta Internasional
(2) Universitas Jakarta Internasional
(*) Corresponding Author
This research explores the influence of environmental performance on the concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV). CSV is a business approach that promotes value creation for companies and society simultaneously. In relation to environmental performance, this study analyzes how environmentally friendly business practices can become a fundamental pillar of CSV strategy. We examine the relationship between corporate actions in reducing negative environmental impacts and increasing shared values in the form of social welfare and business sustainability. By engaging case studies from various industries, we illustrate how proactive measures on environmental issues can generate long-term mutually beneficial benefits focuses on creating shared value. UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 which reads "A company's social and environmental responsibility is its commitment to engage in sustainable economic development to enhance the environment and quality of life for the company, the local community, and society at large". Social and environmental responsibility is the company's commitment to contributing to sustainable economic development. This aims to enhance the standard of living and the environment in a way that benefits the company, the local community, and society as a whole. The method used is multiple linear regression. Environmental performance indicators influence the company size, type of industry and capital intensity have a significant effect on CSV. The theoretical contribution of this research is to provide research results on the influence of environmental performance on CSV quantitatively and empirically in Indonesia because this topic is still rarely discussed using a quantitative and empirical approach. The practical contribution expected from this research is that it can provide additional information to analyze company performance comprehensively by not only considering financial performance but also environmental performance. Meanwhile, contributions from regulators related to the accounting sector, such as the Indonesian Accountants Association, could consider requiring sustainability reports for companies traded on the Indonesian Stock Exchange so that companies can be sustainable.
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