The Role Of Leader Improve Patient Safety Culture

Muh Abdurrouf(1*), Nursalam Nursalam(2), Ahsan Ahsan(3), Mira Triharini(4), Dyah Wiji Puspitasari(5), Retno Issroviatiningrum(6), Nila Fauziza(7)

(1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
(2) Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
(3) Universitas Brawijaya
(4) Universitas Airlangga
(5) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
(6) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
(7) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
(*) Corresponding Author


One of the important things that must be considered by the hospital is patient safety, where patient safety can be improved by implementing a patient safety culture, so that the patient safety culture goes well, it is necessary to increase the role of the leader. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the role of a leader and the implementation of patient safety culture. Method: this research is a quantitative study using cross sectional. Data were collected using a questionnaire of 118 nurses using a total population sampling technique. The statistical test used is the spearmen rank test. Results: the results of this study are that the majority of the role of leaders is in the good category (92.6%), the majority of patient safety culture is in the good category (90.7%) there is a significant relationship between the role of leaders and the implementation of patient safety culture with a p-value of 0.00 , and r : 0.381, conclusion: Increasing the role of a leader in the form of a decision-making role, interpersonal role, and informational role can improve patient safety culture


Role of leader; patient safety culture

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Copyright (c) 2023 Muh Abdurrouf, Nursalam Nursalam, Ahsan Ahsan, Mira Triharini, Dyah Wiji Puspitasari, Retno Issroviatiningrum, Nila Fauziza

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