The Effect of Pictorial Models Health Education on Mother Skill in Determining Early Anemia on Primary School Children
(1) Health Polytechnic of Mataram
(2) Health Polytechnic of Mataram
(3) Health Polytechnic of Mataram
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction: Early detection of anemia can be performed by mother and the mother should have knowledge and skills in it. Health education is a strategy in providing knowledge, comprehension, abilities and skills for empowerment. This is a quasi-experimental research with pre and post-test design in the same group. Researchers will assess mothers who have elementary school children before and after a pictorial model health education given on how to detect early anemia in primary school children. This research was conducted in Bontokape Village, Bolo Sub-district, Bima Regency. The population of this research was 150 people and 60 people were chosen as samples by purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Results: Unskilled category respondents are 91,7% before health education given and decrease to 0% after health education.Pictorial model health education is significantly influence on early detection mother skill of anemia in primary school children (p-value 0,00). Discussion: Narration and animation in teaching and learning process is an interesting media and proven effectively to improve learning result. Pictorial model health education can significantly improve the mother's skills.
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