The Correlation Between The Quality of Health Services And The Involvement of Re-visit Patients in Public Healthcare

Menik Kustriyani(1*), Suci Andyana(2), Rahayu Winarti(3)

(1) Health Science Institute of Widya Husada
(2) Health Science Institute of Widya Husada
(3) Health Science Institute of Widya Husada
(*) Corresponding Author


Background : Healthcare quality should be improved to give patients satisfaction, that will lead them to use the service again and recommend the health center to the other people. The quality also affects the patient revisit rate. Good service and quality have to fulfill five dimensions of service quality, namely responsiveness, assurance, tangible, empathy, and reliability. This research is conducted to acknowledge the relation between health care service quality and out-patient revisit rate in Mijen Community Health Center, Semarang.

Methods : This research is analytical quantitative research. The method used in this research is cross-sectional design. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique, with a total sample of 74 respondents and using  informed consent for the filled in by respondents. The data was taken by using a questionnaire with the rank spearman trial analysis method.

Result : 58.1 respondents state that the healthcare service quality is good. 77.0 respondents stated that they are willing to revisit Mijen Community Health Center, Semarang. The result of rank spearman statistic trial shows that there is a correlation between health care service quality and out-patient revisit rate in Mijen Community Health Center, Semarang (p=0,000) which is lower than ά = 0,05.

Conclusion : The better healthcare service quality given to the patient, the higher patient revisit rate in Mijen Community Health Center, Semarang.



Health Service Quality; Re-visit Rate

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