Factors Associated with COVID-19 Infection of Survivors at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang
(1) RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang
(2) RSUP Dr Kariadi
(3) RSUP Dr Kariadi
(4) RSUP Dr Kariadi
(5) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto
(6) RSUP Dr Kariadi
(7) RSUP Dr Kariadi
(*) Corresponding Author
The transmission of COVID-19 infection is rapidly spreading in Indonesia, All people are at risk of COVID-19 infection, especially health workers. Factors that may increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission necessitate being explored more. This study aims to find out what factors are associated with the incidence of COVID-19 infection in COVID-19 survivors at Kariadi Hospital Semarang. This study has used a retrospective observational design, with a quantitative analysis conducted involving 80 COVID-19 survivors (health workers = 63 respondents, non-health workers = 17 respondents). Respondents' characteristics questionnaire, exposure questionnaires and knowledge, attitude and practice questionnaires were filled out by respondents through google form and then were analyzed by chi-square test. Most of the COVID-19 survivors in this study were male (52.5%), had a bachelor's degree (50%), married (77.5%), had no comorbidities (73.5%), had a high level of knowledge (90%), appropriate attitude (90%), and good preventive practice (95%), and the most common symptom of COVID-19 experienced was fever (15, 95%). The incidence of COVID-19 infection was significantly more in health worker survivors which were male (p = 0.032), as civil servants (ASN) (p = 0.00), had undergraduate education level (p = 0.00) and hospitalized during COVID-19 infection (p = 0.002). Factors related to the incidence of COVID-19 infection in this study were gender, occupation, education level, and hospitalisation place. Adequate screening and mitigation of COVID-19 risk groups are urgently needed.
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