Pengaruh Senam PERSADIA 1 terhadap Lingkar Pinggang dan Rasio HDL-c LDL-c pada Wanita
(1) Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University
(2) Physiology Department of Faculty Medicine of Airlangga University
(3) Internal Medicine Department of Faculty Medicine of Airlangga University
(*) Corresponding Author
Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus tipe 2 menjadi penyebab kematian nomer 3 di Indonesia. Kelebihan berat badan atau lingkar pinggang diatas normal dan kadar HDL-c rendah merupakan faktor risiko diabetes melitus tipe 2. Faktor risiko tersebut dapat diatasi salah satunya dengan olahraga. Senam PERSADIA 1 dirancang khusus untuk pencegahan diabetes. Namun, efek dari senam ini dalam menurunkan lingkar pinggang dan meningkatkan rasio HDL-c LDL-c belum pernah diteliti.
Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimen lapangan. Pengaruh Senam PERSADIA 1 terhadap lingkar pinggang dan rasio HDL-c LDL-c dianalisis dengan uji statistik deskriptif, uji normalitas saphiro wilk-test, uji beda berpasangan paired t-test / Wilcoxon-test.
Hasil: Penelitian ini melibatkan 12 ibu-ibu PKK Lidah Wetan Gang V RW 2 Surabaya. Dari hasil analisis, terdapat penurunan rerata lingkar pinggang dan bermakna namun sedikit (p= 0,032), tidak ada peningkatan kadar HDL-c yang bermakna (p= 0,301), terdapat penurunan rerata LDL-c namun belum bermakna (p= 0,755), terdapat peningkatan rerata rasio HDL-c LDL-c namun belum bermakna (p= 0,303).
Kesimpulan: Senam PERSADIA 1 dapat menurunkan lingkar pinggang namun sedikit dan belum dapat meningkatkan rasio HDL-c/LDL-c pada wanita secara bermakna menurut statistika. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menambah waktu pelaksaan senam dan mengontrol energy intake subjek penelitian.
Kata Kunci:. Diabetes melitus, Senam PERSADIA 1, lingkar pinggang, rasio HDL-c LDL-c, wanita
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the third causes of death in Indonesia. Overweight or waist circumference above normal and low HDL-c levels are risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. One of the risk factors can be resolve with exercise. First series PERSADIA exercise is specifically designed for the prevention of diabetes. Howefer, the effect of this exercise in reducing waist circumference and increase ratio HDL-c LDL-c had never been proven.
Method: The design of this study was a field experiment. The effect of first series PERSADIA exercise on waist circumference and HDL-c LDL-c ratio was analyzed by descriptive statistical test, saphiro wilk-test for normality test, paired t-test / Wilcoxon-test for different paired test.
Result: This study involved 12 Women lived in Lidah Wetan Gang V RW 2 Surabaya. From the analysis, there was a decrease in mean waist circumference and significant but slightly (p = 0.032), there was no significant increase in HDL-c levels (p = 0.301), there was a decrease in LDL-c mean but it was not significant (p = 0.755), there was an increase in the mean HDL-c LDL-c ratio but it was not significant (p = 0.303).
Conclusion: First series PERSADIA exercise has been able to reduce waist circumference but slightly and not able to increase HDL-c / LDL-c ratio significantly in women according to statistics. Further research is needed by increasing the exercise time and controlling the energy intake of subjects.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, first series PERSADIA exercise, waist circumference, HDL-c LDL-c ratio, women
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Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
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