Effectiveness of a Decoction of Binahong Leaves and Red Betel Leaves in Healing Perineal Wounds

Nurzah Akmaliyah(1), Irma Jayatmi(2*), Rita Ayu Yolandia(3)

(1) Universitas Indonesia Maju
(2) Universitas Indonesia Maju
(3) Universitas Indonesia Maju
(*) Corresponding Author


The incidence of perineal rupture in Garut Regency in 2020 was 61% of the number of mothers who gave birth, while in Sukasenang Community Health Center in 2022 there were 314 postpartum mothers (33.04%) who experienced perineal wounds and there were 5 cases of perineal infection. Non-pharmacological therapy that can be given to speed up the healing of perineal wounds to prevent infection is using red betel leaf extract and binahong extract. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of boiled binahong leaves and red betel leaves in healing perineal wounds. The type of research in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The sample used was 2 people using purposive sampling technique. The research results obtained by Mrs. S and Mrs. L Before giving the binahong leaf decoction to the perineal wound there was a grade 2 tear with a reeda score of 6 and after giving the binahong decoction to the perineal wound there was a birth canal wound on the 2nd visit with a score of 4 and on the 3rd visit there was no pain. In conclusion, there is no difference in effectiveness between boiled binahong leaves and boiled red betel leaves in healing perineal wounds in postpartum women. It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, will continue to improve education and care for perineal wounds by using boiled water from binahong leaves and boiled water from red betel leaves so that postpartum mothers can do it independently.


red betel leaves, binahong leaves, perineal wounds

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