Description of The Implementation of The Domestic Violence Control Program During The Covid-19 Pandemic by Midwife
(1) Universitas Airlangga
(2) Universitas Airlangga
(3) Universitas Airlangga
(4) Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author
The COVID-19 pandemic is a multidimensional problem. Proofed by the increasing number of domestic violence (DV). DV has many negative impacts, such as reproductive disorders. So, an effort needs to be done to control the cases. Such as, involving midwives to carry out promotional and preventive activities. However, with changes in the health care system as a form of adaptation and there are no reports on the program. Those conditions became the reason to conduct research aimed at doing an overview of the DV control program during COVID-19 pandemic by midwives. This research is quantitative with descriptive method. The sample in this study was determined by a total sampling technique, namely all midwives who practiced during the COVID-19 pandemic era at the Lakarsantri District Health Center, Surabaya. The instruments used in the questionnaire are mixed types. The collected data will be processed and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results obtained were 71.4% of 14 midwives were aware of the workplace policies for controlling DV and 50% stated that there was training. The implementation of DV education has been carried out by 92.9% of midwives and early detection has been carried out by 42.9% of midwives. Also, 14.3% said there were obstacles. The conclusion of this study is that efforts to control domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic by midwives have been carried out. However, the role of midwives and the form of services that have been adapted to the new normal still need to be improved.
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