Effect of Murottal Al-Quran Therapy on Neuromuscular Maturity of Premature Babies

Dyah Maria Ulfah(1*), Hani Fauziah(2), Agustin Topan Sari(3)

(1) STIKES Bani Saleh
(2) STIKES Bani Saleh
(3) RSUD dr Chasbullah Abdul Madjid Kota Bekasi
(*) Corresponding Author


Premature babies are at risk of dying 70 times higher than normal birth babies because their organ systems are not fully mature. Murottal Al Quran is a form of non-medical therapy that uses sensory stimuli. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of murottal Al-Qur’an therapy on neuromuscular maturity of preterm infants. The research design used a quasi-experimental study with 20 babies in the intervention group and 20 babies in the control group as respondents. The method of collecting data is by listening to the murottal Al Quran for 30 minutes in 21 days. The results of the analysis state that there is an effect of giving Murottal Al-Quran therapy on Neuromuscular Maturity of Premature Babies.


premature, neuromuscular maturity, new ballard score

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26714/jk.13.2.2024.120-125


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