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Dasawisma in Klampok Village is active in managing live pharmacies, from data of plant species that have been
developed has reached 115 types of medicinal plants including turmeric, ginger, and plant for herbal medicine
godok. Utilization of medicinal plants has not been done optimally in utilizing live pharmacies. In the activities of
IbM, the Implementing Team undertakes the application of technology to empower the dasawisma with the training
of making pasta / wound ointment, godok herbs, and herbal compresses, to produce diabetic herbal health
products, herbal medicine for stamina and herbal godog in a dry state. The group is also given the provision to get
to know the online marketing with a special WEB for the promotion of the product while for the transaction process
will be directed through apliksi pedia shop online system. WEB development is done by bringing in IT practitioners
and online businesses. In the early stages will be sold herbal medicine in the form of dried herbs that are packaged
according to the type of disease. In the activities of IbM so that the products have unique specifications that are
sold are herbal medicine for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood and kidney. For packing and gasket is
done gradually for products sold directed to use sachet and higines process with semihetomatic sachets technology,
for product which will be marketed to be certified BPPOM and dinkes. Management strengthening is done by a
simple team to start to make group management on the management of herbal medicine brewed and godok. by
giving direction and entrepreneurship training, giving information and assistance to get business capital to train
bookkeeping, simple accounting, (cash flow). The training is also done by making semi-automatic sachet higines
SNI standard, training on making and maintaining e-commerce website for selling products, providing
entrepreneurship training, bookkeeping training, accounting, product marketing strategy, extension of business and
company strategy, giving information and assistance to get venture capital. The impact of the increase in income is
not significant because the specific product still needs to be developed further, the sales are still in the raw material
stage, for that in the next stage will be made is a commercial product with diabetes blend, and chronic diseases, the
product will be in modern gasket with sachet machine economical and semi-automatic. Marketing on the condition
of dry herbs and ointments will be supported by circulation permit.
Keywords: Herbal Product, Dasawisma. Sachet Machine, Marketing.
developed has reached 115 types of medicinal plants including turmeric, ginger, and plant for herbal medicine
godok. Utilization of medicinal plants has not been done optimally in utilizing live pharmacies. In the activities of
IbM, the Implementing Team undertakes the application of technology to empower the dasawisma with the training
of making pasta / wound ointment, godok herbs, and herbal compresses, to produce diabetic herbal health
products, herbal medicine for stamina and herbal godog in a dry state. The group is also given the provision to get
to know the online marketing with a special WEB for the promotion of the product while for the transaction process
will be directed through apliksi pedia shop online system. WEB development is done by bringing in IT practitioners
and online businesses. In the early stages will be sold herbal medicine in the form of dried herbs that are packaged
according to the type of disease. In the activities of IbM so that the products have unique specifications that are
sold are herbal medicine for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood and kidney. For packing and gasket is
done gradually for products sold directed to use sachet and higines process with semihetomatic sachets technology,
for product which will be marketed to be certified BPPOM and dinkes. Management strengthening is done by a
simple team to start to make group management on the management of herbal medicine brewed and godok. by
giving direction and entrepreneurship training, giving information and assistance to get business capital to train
bookkeeping, simple accounting, (cash flow). The training is also done by making semi-automatic sachet higines
SNI standard, training on making and maintaining e-commerce website for selling products, providing
entrepreneurship training, bookkeeping training, accounting, product marketing strategy, extension of business and
company strategy, giving information and assistance to get venture capital. The impact of the increase in income is
not significant because the specific product still needs to be developed further, the sales are still in the raw material
stage, for that in the next stage will be made is a commercial product with diabetes blend, and chronic diseases, the
product will be in modern gasket with sachet machine economical and semi-automatic. Marketing on the condition
of dry herbs and ointments will be supported by circulation permit.
Keywords: Herbal Product, Dasawisma. Sachet Machine, Marketing.
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