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Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) is the Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) under the
management and supervision of the Regency or City, which is responsible for
implementing the technique of fish seeding, organizing the function of seed technique
and seed distribution, parent stock distribution, application of fish and environmental
resources conservation techniques, pest and disease control techniques, and seed
quality control through the implementation of fish seed quality system certification.
However, of all the fish seeds in this Balai Benih Ikan Purwogondo has different or
variations. To know the cause of variation on fish seedlings at Balai Benih Ikan
Purwogondo by using experimental design. The method of analysis used is Completely
Randomized Design Method to know the effect between treatment and Randomized
Block Design to know the influence between treatment and influence between groups
by manual calculation and see output in the Analysis of Variance table.
Keywords: Fish Seeds, Completely Randomized Design, Group Randomized Design,
Experimental Design
management and supervision of the Regency or City, which is responsible for
implementing the technique of fish seeding, organizing the function of seed technique
and seed distribution, parent stock distribution, application of fish and environmental
resources conservation techniques, pest and disease control techniques, and seed
quality control through the implementation of fish seed quality system certification.
However, of all the fish seeds in this Balai Benih Ikan Purwogondo has different or
variations. To know the cause of variation on fish seedlings at Balai Benih Ikan
Purwogondo by using experimental design. The method of analysis used is Completely
Randomized Design Method to know the effect between treatment and Randomized
Block Design to know the influence between treatment and influence between groups
by manual calculation and see output in the Analysis of Variance table.
Keywords: Fish Seeds, Completely Randomized Design, Group Randomized Design,
Experimental Design
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