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The condition in a learning process characterized the certain barriers to reach
study results called by a learning difficulty. A learning disability students would
have an impact on student learning achievements. The research is a follow-up
to previous studies said that intelligence quotient (IQ) have an significant
against difficulties study results students in subjects chemical. This study
focused on the relationship between intelligence quotient and student’s
difficulty in chemistry class at SMA N 9 Semarang. It was a descriptive
qualitative research which used observation, interview, documentation, and
questionnaire as the method to collect the data. From the result it can be
concluded that there was relationship between student’s learning difficulty and
the intelligence quotient, especially on student’s reasoning ability during the
chemistry class. The ability to think students include computation capabilities
and memorization.This proved that hypothesis right, namely intelligence
quotient have an significant against difficulties study results students in
particular to the matter memorization in matter a periodic system element on
the subjects of chemical in SMA N 9 Semarang.
Keywords:Intelligence quotient (IQ), Learning difficulty, Chemistry
study results called by a learning difficulty. A learning disability students would
have an impact on student learning achievements. The research is a follow-up
to previous studies said that intelligence quotient (IQ) have an significant
against difficulties study results students in subjects chemical. This study
focused on the relationship between intelligence quotient and student’s
difficulty in chemistry class at SMA N 9 Semarang. It was a descriptive
qualitative research which used observation, interview, documentation, and
questionnaire as the method to collect the data. From the result it can be
concluded that there was relationship between student’s learning difficulty and
the intelligence quotient, especially on student’s reasoning ability during the
chemistry class. The ability to think students include computation capabilities
and memorization.This proved that hypothesis right, namely intelligence
quotient have an significant against difficulties study results students in
particular to the matter memorization in matter a periodic system element on
the subjects of chemical in SMA N 9 Semarang.
Keywords:Intelligence quotient (IQ), Learning difficulty, Chemistry
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