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The purpose of this research is how to connect ideas and real experiences with
mathematical representation and to analyze how big portion of representation
in national junior mathematics exam year 2014 until 2017. Representation in
general become an important part for learning mathematics of teacher and
student in playing explanation about ideas Mathematics that is closely related
to real experience. Forms of representation include representations of sketches,
graphs, diagrams, tables, drawings, or modeling. The results of representation
on the national junior mathematics exam from 2014 to 2017 show that image
representation has the largest share of 25% to 35%. While the representations
in the form of sketches, graphs, diagrams, tables, and modeling is still below
10%. Total representation of the national exam number of 55% to 60% or about
22-24 questions from 40 junior high school mathematics exam questions. In
other words, more than half of the national mathematics exam is presented in
the form of representation.
Keywords: examinations, experienced, idea, national, representation
mathematical representation and to analyze how big portion of representation
in national junior mathematics exam year 2014 until 2017. Representation in
general become an important part for learning mathematics of teacher and
student in playing explanation about ideas Mathematics that is closely related
to real experience. Forms of representation include representations of sketches,
graphs, diagrams, tables, drawings, or modeling. The results of representation
on the national junior mathematics exam from 2014 to 2017 show that image
representation has the largest share of 25% to 35%. While the representations
in the form of sketches, graphs, diagrams, tables, and modeling is still below
10%. Total representation of the national exam number of 55% to 60% or about
22-24 questions from 40 junior high school mathematics exam questions. In
other words, more than half of the national mathematics exam is presented in
the form of representation.
Keywords: examinations, experienced, idea, national, representation
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