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School leadership is a key factor in school management. The reality on the
ground shows that preparing for principal is less than adequate. Therefore, it is
necessary to think about the principal's training model that can really prepare
the principal so that the principal has the required competencies. During this
time the characteristics of effective school leadership more refer to the results
of research and literature or foreign text. This is not bad. However, it is
necessary to develop leadership training modelsthat are based on local wisdom
This study aims to produce a description of the problems and needs in school
leadership and the values of local wisdom that are considered relevant to the
leadership of the school. The survey was conducted on 28 principals from
Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java.
This study produces important conclusions that are (1) the order of difficulty
level of competence from the most difficult to the easiest, namely managerial
competence, entrepreneurial competence, supervision competence, competence
to translate school values, personality competence, and social competence. and
(2) are the three order of popularity of leadership values according to
principals are Asta Brata, Among System, and Sastra Gendhing.
Keywords: training model, leadership, principal, and local wisdom
ground shows that preparing for principal is less than adequate. Therefore, it is
necessary to think about the principal's training model that can really prepare
the principal so that the principal has the required competencies. During this
time the characteristics of effective school leadership more refer to the results
of research and literature or foreign text. This is not bad. However, it is
necessary to develop leadership training modelsthat are based on local wisdom
This study aims to produce a description of the problems and needs in school
leadership and the values of local wisdom that are considered relevant to the
leadership of the school. The survey was conducted on 28 principals from
Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java.
This study produces important conclusions that are (1) the order of difficulty
level of competence from the most difficult to the easiest, namely managerial
competence, entrepreneurial competence, supervision competence, competence
to translate school values, personality competence, and social competence. and
(2) are the three order of popularity of leadership values according to
principals are Asta Brata, Among System, and Sastra Gendhing.
Keywords: training model, leadership, principal, and local wisdom
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