Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno(1*), Solichatun Solichatun(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


Learning will be meaningful if the teacher involves students directly in the
learning activities. The result of the observation shows that the teacher has not
involve the students directly so that the learning result is still low. Teachers are
still dominant with the lecture method, the students are less involved in the
learning process and the students have low learning motivation in learning
mathematics.The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes
Mathematics of water debit materials using Group Investgation model in grade 6
students of SD Muhammadiyah Sukorejo. This study uses a classroom action
research design. Based on the preliminary test, this study was designed into 2
cycles and each cycle was held 2 times which included planning, action,
observation, and reflection activities. Based on the action done through 2 cycles,
it can be concluded that the use of Group Investigation model can improve the
learning outcomes of water debit for grade 6 students of SD Muhammadiyah
Sukorejo. In the initial or pre-cycle condition of 28 new students, the completion
of 32% is 9 students complete the KKM, the average score is 64,71, the highest
value is 93 and the lowest value is 40. From the initial condition after the
improvement of learning in cycle I of 28 students there a significant increase of
21 students (75%) of the KKM, an average score of 74.7, the highest score of 95
and the lowest score of 45. On the second cycle improvement improvement of 28
KKM students increased again to 25 students (89%), 83.57, the highest value is
98, the lowest value is 65.

Keywords: Learning outcomes, water discharge, and Group Investigation

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