Tho'at Tho'at(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to describe and analyze the planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring of the partnershipbased

factory in SMK NU Ma'arif Kudus. This research is a qualitative research using case study approach. The
subjects of the research were determined purposively including principal, vice principal, skill program chiefs, chairmen /
TEFA Managers, some productive teachers, students and representatives from industry partners. Data collection techniques
used in-depth interviews, observations and document studies. Data analysis used Milles & Huberman model that is data
collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the research are as follows: 1) TEFA planning carried
out jointly by SMK and industry (PT.ADMI) through synchronization and integration of curriculum contents with industry
needs. 2) Organizing is done collaboratively by providing the role of industry representatives & teachers as consultants,
assessors and facilitators. While the students there acted as manager, administration, production and MR. 3) The
implementation of TEFA is implemented by the students in their respective roles and positions in accordance with
established standard procedures and receiving guidance / consultation from industries and productive/ practices teachers by
creating an atmosphere / replica of actual industry work. 4) Supervision is done jointly by the School and industry through
administrative and non-administrative approaches to ensure the implementation of activities in accordance with
predetermined plans.
Keywords: Learning, Teaching Factory (TEFA), partnerships, vocational schools (SMK)

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