Pengembangan Alat Ukur Khusuk Sholat Dalam Kaitan Pengaruh Positifnya Bagi Kesehatan

Yusuf Alam Romadhon(1*)

(1) FK UMSurakarta, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Development of Measuring Instruments for Prayers in Relation to its Positive Effect on Health

Latar belakang: Khusyuk dalam sholat merupakan pengalaman personal yang belum banyak dikaji. Banyak penelitian eksperimental menunjukkan pengaruh positif sholat bagi kesehatan, tetapi penelitian skala luas mendapatkan hasil sebaliknya di Indonesia.

Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan instrumen pengukuran khusyuk sholat dalam kaitan pengaruh positifnya bagi kesehatan yang berbahasa Indonesia penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 fase.

Metoda: Fase I: eksplorasi literatur dan studi kualitatif untuk mendapatkan konsep kunci dan operasionalisasi konsep kunci. Fase II: pengembangan dan penajaman item berdasarkan operasionalisasi konsep kunci. Fase III: studi pendahuluan dan analisis statistik.

Hasil: eksplorasi literatur dan studi kualitatif didapatkan 4 domain konsep utama dan 11 sub domain tentang khusyuk; 1) status khusyuk terdiri dari a) induksi perubahan kesadaran karena niat, b) Isolasi mental perubahan kesadaran diri, c) peragaan dialog mental dengan Allah, d) faktor pemampu khusyuk, e) pengendalian mind wandering; 2) prasyarat keyakinan dan God attachment terdiri dari a) keyakinan kuat bertemu Allah dan b) God attachment; 3) atmosfer spiritual terdiri dari a) kesiapan hati, kelonggaran waktu dan suasana tempat dan b) kondisi psikologis tertentu dan kematangan spiritual; 4) dampak khusyuk terdiri dari a) restrukturisasi kognitif peristiwa kehidupan dan b) perasaan segar, tenang dan rileks. Pengembangan item selanjutnya direview oleh pakar agama dan psikiatri untuk mendapatkan validitas isi.

Simpulan: Setelah mengkoreksi item-item dengan korelasi item–total rendah, didapatkan 42 item dengan Cronbach's Alpha .945.


Background: Devotion in Islamic prayer is a personal experience that has not been widely studied. Many experimental studies have shown a positive effect on Islamic prayer for health, but large-scale research has the opposite results in Indonesia. Objective: This study are develop instruments for measuring solemn prayer inrelation to its positive influence on health in Indonesian Method: Three research phases were carried out. Phase I: literature exploration and qualitative studies to get key concepts and operationalize key concepts. Phase II: development and sharpening of items based on the operationalization of key concepts. Phase III: preliminary study and statistical analysis. Result: The literature exploration and qualitative studies obtained 4 main concept domains and 11 sub domains about solemn; 1) solemn status consists of a) induction of change in consciousness due to intention, b) Isolation of mental changes in self-awareness, c) demonstration of mental dialogue with God, d) solemn enabling factors, e) mind wandering control; 2) the prerequisites for belief and the God attachment consists of a) strong belief in meeting God and b) God attachment; 3) the spiritual atmosphere consists of a) heart readiness, looseness of time and atmosphere of the place and b) certain psychological conditions and spiritual maturity; 4) solemn effects consist of a) cognitive restructuring of life events and b) feeling refreshed, calm and relaxed. Conclusion: The item development was then reviewed by religious and psychiatric experts to obtain content validity. After correcting items with a low total-item correlation, 42items were obtained with Cronbach's Alpha .945. 


Moslem; Measure; Instrument; Health

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