Translation Techniques and Quality Assessment in Video Game Localization: Genshin Impact Prologue Chapter

Muhammad Daffa Haydar P(1*), Valentina Widya S Widya S(2)

(1) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(2) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is entitled "Translation Techniques and Quality Assessment in Video Game Localization: Genshin Impact Prologue Chapter''. This research discusses the translation techniques and quality assessment employed in localization of the prologue chapter of the popular video game, Genshin Impact, into Indonesian. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative methods outlined by Ary et al., (2010) to analyze the goal of this analysis. The data used in this research comes from the prologue of the Genshin Impact storyline, which consists of three narrative parts and focuses on the dialogues between characters. To achieve the research goal, the researcher used theoretical framework of Molina and Albir (2002: 509) about translation techniques to classify the translation techniques used in the localized version of Genshin Impact, and The Quality Assessment model proposed by Nababan (2012) to evaluates the translation quality based on Nababan’s criteria of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. There were more than 400 data analyzed qualitatively to identify the types of translation techniques used and to evaluate the quality of the translation. The localized dialogues mostly translated using the amplification translation technique, with established equivalence being the second most frequently used technique. The quality of the translated version of the game also showed an excellent result with a good score on accuracy, acceptability, and readability.

This research is entitled "Translation Techniques and Quality Assessment
in Video Game Localization: Genshin Impact Prologue Chapter''. This
research discusses the translation techniques and quality assessment
employed in localization of the prologue chapter of the popular video game,
Genshin Impact, into Indonesian. In this research, the researcher uses
descriptive qualitative methods outlined by Ary et al., (2010) to analyze the
goal of this analysis. The data used in this research comes from the prologue
of the Genshin Impact storyline, which consists of three narrative parts and
focuses on the dialogues between characters. To achieve the research goal,
the researcher used theoretical framework of Molina and Albir (2002: 509)
about translation techniques to classify the translation techniques used in
the localized version of Genshin Impact, and The Quality Assessment model
proposed by Nababan (2012) to evaluates the translation quality based on
Nababan’s criteria of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. There were
more than 400 data analyzed qualitatively to identify the types of
translation techniques used and to evaluate the quality of the translation.
The localized dialogues mostly translated using the amplification
translation technique, with established equivalence being the second most
frequently used technique. The quality of the translated version of the game
also showed an excellent result with a good score on accuracy, acceptability,
and readability.



Genshin Impact, Translation, Translation Quality Assessment, Translation Techniques, Video Games Localization.

Full Text:



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