The Importance of Apperception in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author
All over the world many people seek to master English in order to get better information, higher education and even to reach for better career opportunities. Teachers play a pivotal role in equipping foreign students with the necessary language skills to thrive in this globalized world. One of the more common challenges that teachers may encounter is the lack of motivation from young EFL learners. TEFL teachers can use to increase classroom immersion and help motivate their students is by commencing apperception at the beginning of the class. This is a qualitative study utilizing the literature study method. It is a method focusing on existing literary sources (books, article etc) as its primary source. The best way to tune out the emotional state of students and get them ready for the lesson is to do some fun Apperception activities. The concept of apperception encompasses the acknowledgment of the myriad perspectives and backgrounds that each student brings to the classroom. By acknowledging and valuing the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the students, teachers can foster a sense of belonging and respect among the students. This can significantly enhance the learning experience, promoting not just language acquisition, but also cross-cultural understanding.
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