The Digital App “Jeriguigui and the Jaguar” As a Pedagogical Subsidy in Literacy Practices at Elementary Schools

Maria Sílvia Cintra Martins(1*)

(1) Federal University of São Carlos
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper aims at bringing to light the importance of exercising language in a free, poetic and radical way, understanding such an exercise as absolutely necessary to challenge dominant discourses and practices. In this sense, writing in any of the discourse genres can be seen as an ability that needs a lot of exercise. Our language needs to acquire the force of language that only the poetic and free exercise with it can provide. In the case of the construction of a digital game aimed to be used in Elementary Schools, all the dialogues were written in verses to encourage children to read and write poetic texts, Research was founded on participatory methodology (Freire, 2005) and the results suggest that children learn faster when involved in games and poetic texts that facilitate their memorization


digital game; literacy; Elementary Schools

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