Betie Febriana(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Pengenalan kolaborasi antar professional kesehatan penting dilakukan sejak dini melalui pendidikan dengan model interprofessional education(IPE). Beberapa studi melaporkan, hal lain yang mempengaruhi kolaborasi tersebut adalah self-efficacy dari mahasiswa. Untuk membentuk self efficacy yang baik diperlukan kajian mengenai kesiapan dan persepsi mahasiswa terkait me

Pengenalan kolaborasi antar professional kesehatan penting dilakukan sejak dini melalui pendidikan dengan model interprofessional education (IPE). Beberapa studi melaporkan, hal lain yang mempengaruhi kolaborasi tersebut adalah self-efficacy dari mahasiswa. Untuk membentuk self efficacy yang baik diperlukan kajian mengenai kesiapan dan persepsi mahasiswa terkait metode pembelajaran IPE di unissula. Pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis deskriptif non-eksperimental dan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 100 mahasiswa menggunakan purposive sample yaitu mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti SGD LBM Jiwa dengan lengkap. Alat ukur menggunakan kuisioner SPICES untuk mengukur persepsi dan RIPLS untuk kesiapan. Analisa univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi untuk tingkat persepsi dan kesiapan IPE dengan skala ordinal. Studi ini menemukan bahwa 84% persepsi mahasiswa keperawatan terhadap IPE adalah baik dan mahasiswa 85% berada dalam kondisi siap pada tahap akademik. Baiknya, dilakukan pengukuran dan pembandingan persepsi dan kesiapan antar mahasiswa lintas profesi untuk memformulasikan konsep yang baik demi tercapainya tujuan IPE.


Kata kunci: Interprofessional education, persepsi, kesiapan ,small group discussion.





Early introduction of collaboration between health professionals is important. It could be done through education with interprofessional education (IPE) models. Several studies report, another thing that affects the collaboration is student self-efficacy. To form a good self efficacy,  study of the readiness and perception of students related to the IPE learning method is needed to know before. This researches was Quantitative research approach with descriptive non-experimental type and cross sectional design. The research sample was 100 students using random technique samples, students who had attended the SGD LBM mental health completely. The instrument used the SPICES questionnaire fot perceptions and RIPLS for readiness. Analysis used univariate with frequency distribution for the level of perception and readiness of IPE. This study found that 84% of nursing students' perceptions of IPE were good and 85% students were in a condition ready at the academic stage. It is better to measure and compare perceptions and readiness between cross-professional students to formulate good concepts to achieve the objectives of IPE.


Keywords: Interprofessional education, persepsi, kesiapan ,small group discussion.

tode pembelajaran IPE di unissula. Pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis deskriptif non-eksperimental dan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 100 mahasiswa menggunakan purposive sample yaitu mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti SGD LBM Jiwa dengan lengkap. Alat ukur menggunakan kuisioner SPICES untuk mengukur persepsi dan RIPLS untuk kesiapan. Analisa univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi untuk tingkat persepsi dan kesiapan IPE dengan skala ordinal. Studi ini menemukan bahwa 84% persepsi mahasiswa keperawatan terhadap IPE adalah baik dan mahasiswa 85% berada dalam kondisi siap pada tahap akademik. Baiknya, dilakukan pengukuran dan pembandingan persepsi dan kesiapan antar mahasiswa lintas profesi untuk memformulasikan konsep yang baik demi tercapainya tujuan IPE.


Kata kunci: Interprofessional Education, persepsi, kesiapan ,Small Group Discussion.



arly introduction of collaboration between health professionals is important thing. it could be done  through interprofessional education (IPE) models.

Early introduction of collaboration between health professionals is important. It could be done through education with interprofessional education (IPE) models. Several studies report, another thing that affects the collaboration is student self-efficacy. To form a good self efficacy,  study of the readiness and perception of students related to the IPE learning method is needed to know before. This researches was Quantitative research approach with descriptive non-experimental type and cross sectional design. The research sample was 100 students using random technique samples, students who had attended the SGD LBM mental health completely. The instrument used the SPICES questionnaire fot perceptions and RIPLS for readiness. Analysis used univariate with frequency distribution for the level of perception and readiness of IPE. This study found that 84% of nursing students' perceptions of IPE were good and 85% students were in a condition ready at the academic stage. It is better to measure and compare perceptions and readiness between cross-professional students to formulate good concepts to achieve the objectives of IPE.

Keywords: Interprofessional Education, persepsi, kesiapan ,Small Group Discussion.


Interprofessional education, persepsi, kesiapan ,small group discussion.

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