Penerapan Assertiveness Training dan Terapi Kelompok Suportif Menggunakan Teori Stres Adaptasi Stuart dan Teori Adaptasi Roy
(1) RS Jiwa Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Jakarta
(2) Departemen Keperawatan Jiwa Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
(3) Departemen Keperawatan Jiwa Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Perilaku kekerasan merupakan perilaku atau tindakan seseorang ketika tidak mampu mengatasi stressor yang dialaminya, ditunjukkan dengan perilaku aktual berupa kekerasan baik pada diri sendiri, orang lain, maupun lingkungan baik secara verbal maupun non verbal (Stuart, 2013). Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah menggambarkan penerapan assertiveness training dan terapi kelompok suportif menggunakan Teori Stres Adaptasi Stuart dan Adaptasi Roy pada klien resiko perilaku kekerasan di Rumah Sakit Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Intervensi keperawatan yang dilakukan adalah assertiveness training pada 6 klien dan kombinasi terapi assertiveness training dan terapi kelompok suportif pada 12 orang klien. Pelaksanaan assertiveness training dan terapi kelompok suportif dapat menurunkan tanda dan gejala perilaku kekerasan pada aspek kogitif, afektif, fisiologis, perilaku, dan sosial serta meningkatkan kemampuan adaptif dalam menghadapi peristiwa yang menimbulkan perilaku kekerasan.
Kata kunci: risiko perilaku kekerasan, assertiveness training, terapi kelompok suportif, teori stres adaptasi stuart, adaptasi roy
Violent behavior occurs when a person is not capable of responding to stressors. This behavior can be manifested by hurting oneself, others, or environment verbally or non verbally (Stuart, 2013). The purpose of this scientific paper was to report the application of assertiveness training and supportive group therapy utilizing the Stuart’s Stress-Adaptation Theory and Roy’s Adaptation Theory towards the clients with potential risk violent behavior who were hospitalized at Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital in Bogor. Assertiveness training was conducted to six clients and combination of assertiveness training and supportive group therapy to twelve clients. The result of assertiveness training and supportive group therapy depicted that there were decreased signs and symptoms of violent behaviors at all aspects of cognitive, affective, physiological, behavior, and social as well as improvement of ability of clients to be more adaptive in responding to the any stressful situation that can stimuli violent behaviors. It is recommended that assertiveness training and supportive group therapy can be used as a standard of mental health-psychiatric nursing specialized therapy.
Keywords: violent risk behavior, assertiveness training, supportive group therapy, stuart’s stress-adaptation theory and roy’s adaptation theory
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