Ratih Sari Wardani(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Background : Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health problem that must be controlled, one of the problems of recording and reporting of TB control. The weakness in the completeness, accuracy, speed time, timeliness, not recorded, it's hard and difficult monitoring in clinical decision making. The problem can be solved with electronic TB surveillance systems using data base.
Objective : obtaining the database information system of TB surveillance
Methode : Type of research is Qualitative research, the object under investigation is a process - the process of information, information structure and procedure for information on Tuberculosis program. Subjects Research are Head of Infectious Diseases and Wasor TB of Distric Health Office of Yogyakarta, TB managers of Bethesda hospital, Panti Rapih hospital, Mantri Jeron of TB health center manager and BP4 Yogyakarta as many as 9 peoples. Collecting data through observation, interview and literature study. Data was analyzed using content analysis method
Result : database design using the basic recording and reporting TB control program applicable to all health care units in Indonesia, which consists of reports of TB with TB 01 to 06, namely: a). TB 01 TB treatment card, b). TB 02 TB Patient Identity Card, c). 03 TB Register District, d). TB 04 TB Laboratory Register, e). TB 05 TB Report Application Form for sputum examination, f). TB patients in 2006 List of suspects (suspect) who examined Sputum TB SPS. After going through the design of the ERD and normalization is obtained 17 files are equipped with a data dictionary.
Conclusion : Getting a TB surveillance data base consists of 17 tables are tables of
pasien, dokter, desa, kec, kab_kota, prop, kk, upk, lab, radiologi, obat, tim_surveilans, periksa, periksa_tunjang, pengobatan, survey dan periksa_serumah.

Keywords: database, surveilasns, Tuberculosis



Latar Belakang : Tuberkulosis(TB) menjadi masalah kesehatan global sehingga harus dikendalikan, salah satu masalah pengendalian TB recording dan reporting. Kelemahan pada kelengkapan, keakuratan, kecepatan waktu, ketepatan waktu, tidak tercatat, sulit monitoring dan sulit dalam pengambilan keputusan klinis. Masalah dapat diatasi dengan sistem surveilans TB elektronik menggunakan basis data.

Tujuan memperoleh basis data sistem informasi surveilans TB

Metode Jenis Penelitian kualitatif, obyek yang diteliti adalah proses - proses informasi yaitu struktur informasi dan prosedur informasi pada pengelola program Tuberkulosis. Subyek Penelitian Kepala Bagian Penyakit Menular dan Wasor TB Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta, pengelola TB rumah sakit Bethesda, pengelola TB rumah sakit Panti Rapih, pengelola TB Puskesmas Mantri Jeron dan BP4 Kota Yogyakarta sebanyak 9 orang. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode content analisis

Hasil penelitian Perancangan basis data menggunakan dasar recording dan reporting program penanggulangan Tuberculosis yang diberlakukan untuk semua unit pelayanan kesehatan (UPK) di Indonesia yang terdiri dari laporan TB 01 sampai dengan TB 06, yaitu : a). TB 01 Kartu pengobatan TB, b). TB 02 Kartu Identitas Pasien TB, c). TB 03 Register Kabupaten/Kota, d). TB 04 Register Laboratorium TB, e). TB 05 Formulir Permohonan Laporan TB untuk pemeriksaan dahak, f). TB 06 Daftar tersangka pasien (suspek) TB yang diperiksa Dahak SPS. Setelah melalui perancangan ERD dan normalisasi diperoleh 17 file yang dilengkapi dengan kamus data.

Kesimpulan Memperoleh basis data surveilans TB terdiri dari 17 tabel yaitu tabel pasien, dokter, desa, kec, kab_kota, prop, kk, upk, lab, radiologi, obat, tim_surveilans, periksa, periksa_tunjang, pengobatan, survey dan periksa_serumah.


Kata Kunci : basis data, surveilasns, Tuberkulosis

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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia

ISSN 1693-3443 (print) | 2613-9219 (online)
Organized by Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Published by Prodi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
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