Midwifes’ Antenatal Service Perfomance on Standard Based Management and Recognition
(1) Universitas Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
The evaluation of antenatal services held by midwives in Cilegon uses standard based management and recognition (SBMR). The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of community midwives in providing antenatal services based on the SBMR at Cilegon Helath post in 2021. The research method used a qualitative approach. The performance of the midwife was observed, followed by interviews, and follow ups to other informants using interviews and discussions. This research was carried out in Cilegon and Citangkil 2 Primary Healthcare Centers, Cilegon City. The main informants in this study were the community midwives, the key informants were the head of the community midwives, the head of Primary Healthcare Centers, and the Head of the Family Health Department. The performance of the midwives in accepting and communicating pregnant women with respect and kindness has been carried out well. Likewise, the implementation of the physical examination, obstetric examination and planning for the next visit was also good. Meanwhile, the performance of midwives in anamesis and assessment, counseling and delivery planning was still not up to the standard, according to the informant it is caused by the large number of pregnant women and the limited amount of health personnel. Anamnesis can assist assessment and proper diagnosis. According to the informants, the performance aspects that are still not up to standard can be improved by submitting a two-day schedule for the health post, adding the number of health personnel, the use of communication media and periodic performance appraisals.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26714/jk.13.2.2024.95-104
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