Character Development and Its Translation on Children Story in the Platform Storyweaver: An Appraisal Study
(1) Universitas Sebelas Maret
(2) Universitas Sebelas Maret,
(3) Universitas Sebelas Maret
(*) Corresponding Author
Characterization depicted the personal traits of character in the story. This became a crucial thing, especially for the readers, because characterization can create an imagination or fantasy. Character in the story is usually changed and developed. In the translation field, the depiction of the characters should be translated as it is from source to target text. This research uses descriptive qualitative type. It has aims to identify the attitude of character development of children story based on the story stages such as orientation, complication, evaluation, and resolution; to investigate the translation technique and shift of attitude types in the children story. In analyzing this topic, the researchers used attitude system (affect, judgement, appreciation) of appraisal theory (Martin & White, 2005) and translation technique (Molina & Albir, 2002). The children story used in this study entitled “My Older Brother” and “Abangku” which are taken from Storyweaver. The result of this research showed that there are differences in depicting the characters in the source text and target text. The characters were developed well in each phases or stages. Nonetheless, characters were also affected by several translation techniques used by the translator and it caused shifts in character depiction. The 9 translation techniques found in this study are established equivalent, explicitation, discursive creation, paraphrase, modulation, deletion, implicitation, transposition, and variation. Some techniques caused shift in translation.
Characterization depicted the personal traits of character in the story. This became a crucial thing, especially for the readers, because characterization can create an imagination or fantasy. Character in the story is usually changed and developed. In the translation field, the depiction of the characters should be translated as it is from source to target text. This research uses descriptive qualitative type. It has aims to identify the attitude of character development of children story based on the story stages such as orientation, complication, evaluation, and resolution; to investigate the translation technique and shift of attitude types in the children story. In analyzing this topic, the researchers used attitude system (affect, judgement, appreciation) of appraisal theory (Martin & White, 2005) and translation technique (Molina & Albir, 2002). The children story used in this study entitled “My Older Brother” and “Abangku” which are taken from Storyweaver. The result of this research showed that there are differences in depicting the characters in the source text and target text. The characters were developed well in each phases or stages. Nonetheless, characters were also affected by several translation techniques used by the translator and it caused shifts in character depiction. The 9 translation techniques found in this study are established equivalent, explicitation, discursive creation, paraphrase, modulation, deletion, implicitation, transposition, and variation. Some techniques caused shift in translationKeywords
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