Expressive Language Disorder in Apraxia Sufferers

Gabriella Valentina(1*), Nina Setyaningsih(2)

(1) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(2) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(*) Corresponding Author


People with apraxia face challenges when communicating with other people. They have difficulties in expressing information in speech or writing. This research examines the expressive language disorder in individuals with apraxia and the verbal communication strategies used by interlocutors when interacting with them as depicted in the “Special Books by Special Kids” YouTube channel. A descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that five characteristics of the disorder are found, including difficulty in coming to the point, limited vocabulary, difficulty in finding words, overuse of nonspecific words, and omitting certain words. Furthermore, this research also finds that the verbal communication strategies applied by interlocutors when talking with the apraxia sufferers include using Yes/No questions, using simple sentences, praising, and offering specific choices. It can be concluded that the apraxia sufferers understand what their interlocutors say. However, as they have problem in their motoric system, it is not easy for them to produce a speech. Moreover, the strategies used to communicate with the apraxia sufferers do help them to speak. Despite the difficulties, these strategies mostly can help the apraxia sufferers to answer the questions given. 


apraxia, communication strategy, expressive language disorder, speech

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