
Issue Title
Vol 6, No 4 (2024) Influence of Clinician-Related Factors on Adherence to the American Heart Association Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndrome among Clinicians at Kenya Ports Authority clinics in Mombasa, Kenya. Abstract
Mary Kavinya Mailu, Ruth Mbugua
Vol 4, No 4 (2022) Effectiveness of application of daily medicine boxes to compliance with anti-tuberculosis drug consumption in Indonesian tuberculosis patients Abstract  PDF
Miftahul Falah, Lilis Lismayanti, Nina Pamela Sari, Asep Setiawan, Nia Restiana, Usman Sasyari, Hani Handayani, Rosy Rosnawanty, Neni Nuraeni, Indra Gunawan, Kiki Meilani, Tukimin bin Sansuwito, Faridah Mohd Said, Asita Elengoe, Munirah Munirah
Vol 2, No 2 (2020) The Relationship between Knowledge and Medication Compliance Behavior among Patients with Tuberculosis Abstract  PDF
Jufri Hidayat, Mei-Chen Lee, Ming-Der Lee, Chen-Hsiu Chen
Vol 1, No 3 (2019) Medication Adherence Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Abstract  PDF
Sulistyo Andarmoyo, Harmy bin Mohamed Yusoff, Berhanudin bin Abdullah, Yuzana binti Mohd Yusop
Vol 5, No 2 (2023) Maternal health literacy and adherence to recommended ANC contact among pregnant women in Indonesian Abstract  PDF
Anggie Pradana Putri, Ady Irawan AM., Lilik Hanifah, Susi Erna Wati, Yu Ying Lu
Vol 3, No 2 (2021) Factors Contributing to Intradialytic Hypertension in Hemodialysis Patients Abstract  PDF
Yunie Armiyati, Suharyo Hadisaputro, Shofa Chasani, Untung Sujianto
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