Faiz Akbar Pradipta(1*)

(1) Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


A flying car can fulfill two functions, as a vehicle on the road and as an airplane that capable of flying. To reduce aerodynamic drag, the drive wheels must be able to fold so that a flexible transmission system is required. The Hydrostatic Transmission (HT) system is a flexible transmission that uses a hose to connect hydraulic pump, which is coupled to the engine, to hydraulic motor, which is coupled to the wheel. This research analyzes the specifications of hydrostatic transmission components to optimally transmit power from a V6 engine to two drive wheels through a speed gear transmission system. The hydrostatic transmission system specifications, which include pumps, motors, hoses, charge pumps, and release valves, are simulated and analyzed using Simscape Matlab software. This software enables the user to easily modify the parameters to build an optimal hydrostatic transmission design. The results are obtained, to ensure optimal performance of the entire flying car propulsion system, a 233kW pump and 256 kW motor are required. The hydraulic pump is a variable displacement that has at least 100cc/rev of maximum displacement with 350
bar working pressure. The hydraulic motor is fixed displacement that have requirements at least 80 cc/rev of maximum displacement with 350 bar working pressure. The hose used in the flying car hydrostatic transmission has a diameter of 0.02m and is 6m long.


Hydrostatic Transmission; Automotive Engineering; Driveline Design; Automotive Component Selection; Flying Car

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