Journal title: Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan,Kesusasteraan dan Budaya
ISSN : 2503-328X (e) 2086-6100 (p)
DOI Prefix: 10.26714/lensa
Type of Peer-Review: Double-Blind
Indexing: DOAJ and view more
Frequency: 2 issues/year (June, December)
Business model: Open Access, Author-Pays
Journal History: See Journal history
Editors: See Editorial Team
Citation analysis: | Google Scholar | Scopus | Dimension
1 week | 4-8 weeks |
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Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusasteraan, dan Budaya is a journal that publishes research articles in literature, language teaching, and linguistics, supported by PPJIB-SIP. Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusasteraan, dan Budaya is published twice a year, June and December, which is accredited Sinta 3 as written in the Ministry of Research and Technology Decree No. 85/M/KPT/2020.. All published articles have been reviewed by well-read reviewers and editors. Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusasteraan, dan Budaya is published by the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang.
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusasteraan, dan Budaya accepts submissions of original articles that have never been published elsewhere nor are being considered or processed for publication anywhere and demonstrate no plagiarism. The prerequisites, standards, and format of the manuscript are listed in the author's guidelines and templates
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Vol 14, No 2 (2024)
Published on December 31st 2024
All the articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 30 authors from 10 institutions from Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt and reviewed by reputable reviewers across the globe
Table of Contents
Convergence of Comedian on Indonesian Podcast: A Study of Indonesian-Minangkabau Language Variations
Deni Ferdiansa, Annisa Nurhijatul Kania, Hanun Alya Husna, Mashud Mashud
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.211-235
Abstract view : 115 times |
Hana Hanifah, Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto, Wiratri Anindhita
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.236-257
Abstract view : 113 times |
Hanifah Yulia Sari, Aditya Rachman, Diantri Seprina Putri, Ridha Hasnul Ulya, Dhini Yustia Widhyah
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.258-270
Abstract view : 68 times |
Imam Wicaksono, Sherif Sa’ad alGayyar, Ahmed Hassan Mohammad Hassan
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.271-291
Abstract view : 86 times |
Tsabita Intan Tsaqifa, Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.292-311
Abstract view : 99 times |
Abdul Givari Pratama Amboy, Abdul Basid
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.312-332
Abstract view : 155 times |
Artha Nur Restia Panji, Fahmy Lukman, Riza Lupi Ardiati
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.333-354
Abstract view : 68 times |
Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem, Ari Pujosusanto, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Dzakiyyah Fathimah Az Zahro'
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.355-372
Abstract view : 81 times |
A Reflection of Kinship Between Indonesian and South Patani Malay Languages: Homophone and Homograph
Fakhriyyah Asmay Aidha, Muyassaroh Muyassaroh, Lavatee Chite
DOI : 10.26714/lensa.14.2.2024.373-392
Abstract view : 60 times |