Listening Comprehension for Twelfth Grade Students in Sinar Husni High School for Men

Rindy Kencana Putri(1*), Shilvina Afriani(2), Lilis Lamsehat Panjaitan(3)

(1) English Post Graduate Program, University of Sumatera Utara
(2) English Post Graduate Program, University of Sumatera Utara
(3) English Post Graduate Program, University of Sumatera Utara
(*) Corresponding Author


The paper analyzes listening comprehension of English language skills for twelfth grade students at Sinar Husni high school in Medan. The paper answers the following questions: 1. what are the factors that determine students' interest in learning English? 2. How frequently listening educational instruments are used to improve the listening skills for student? 3. What are the common difficulties that face the respondents in the questionnaire implemented in this paper in terms of listening comprehension? Thus, the paper aims to find the factors influencing English listening comprehension and the strategies to be taken that might improve students’ listening comprehension. The paper indicates that the current problems face students in developing listening comprehension skills are speed speech, limited knowledge of vocabulary, and limited knowledge of the subject in question. Further studies could be conducted to gauge the issue of listening comprehension at the university level-among university students-and the use of listening educational instruments.


English language; Sinar Husni High School; listening comprehension; twelfth grade

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