(1) Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PPPPTK) Seni dan Budaya
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Choosing good methods or techniques in teaching English is paramount for a language teacher. He/she has to exert efforts to make his/her students enjoy their class and motivated to learn the delivered material. To do so, Content-Based Instruction (CBI) can be one of the techniques to teach English as a foreign language. With its strengths, hopefully, this technique can raise the students’ motivation in learning English. However, the instructor needs to make the environment of learning conducive so that the students feel secured and motivated to learn the target language. To some degree, Content-Based Instruction may give a room to the instructor to create such a conducive environment. This paper deals with the use of CBI to raise the motivation of Animation Design Study Program students at Yogyakarta Polytechnic of Arts. It will be concerned with the steps of delivering the material, the problems and ways out of applying the technique, the atmosphere when the process of learning was going on, and the impression of the students toward the application of the technique. In a nutshell, CBI could be used as an alternative to raise the students’ motivation in learning English because motivation plays an important role in learning the target language.
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