Binary Logistic Regression Analysis of Variables That Influence Poverty in Central Java

Sendi Nugraha Nurdiansah(1*), Laelatul Khikmah(2)

(1) Akademi Statistika Muhammadiyah Semarang
(2) Akademi Ilmu Statistika Muhammadiyah Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author


The phenomenon of poverty is a serious problem faced by almost every country in the world. This is because poverty can affect various aspects of people's lives. One of the causes of poverty is due to lack of income and assets to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, housing, health level and acceptable education. In addition, poverty occurs because of the powerlessness of society to get out of the problems it faces. The Central Java regional government incorporated poverty issues into the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) because Central Java has a high number of poor people. This was done as an effort by the Central Java government to reduce poverty. Therefore, research is needed to find out the variables that most influence poverty in order to assist the government in developing the RPJMD. To find out what factors influence poverty in Central Java with the dichotomous categorical response variable, binary logistic regression analysis was used. The results showed that based on the analysis conducted did not obtain a logistic regression equation model because there were no significant parameters because there were no variables that had a sig value <0.05. Existing variables are Number of Population, Female Head of Household, Number of Children not in School, Number of Disabled Individuals, Number of Chronic Disease Individuals, Unemployment, Non-Electricity Lighting Sources, Unprotected Drinking Water Sources, Kerosene and Wood Cooking Fuels, Location Facilities Defecation (BAB) Not Available, so there are no variables that affect the level of poverty in Central Java Province.

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