Modeling Spatial Error Model (SEM) On Human Development Index (IPM) In Central Java 2018

Aprilia Dwi Anggara Wati(1*), Laelatul Khikmah(2)

(1) Department of Statistics, Akademi Ilmu Statistika Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang
(2) Department of Statistics, Akademi Ilmu Statistika Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a human development index that is used to achieve the development outcomes of a region. HDI is formed by 3 basic dimensions, namely the health dimension as seen from the indicator of life expectancy at birth, the dimension of knowledge seen from a combination of indicators of average length of schooling and expectation of school years and dimensions of decent living standards as seen from the indicator of average per capita expenditure has been adjusted. The development of HDI in Central Java shows an increase every year. In 2018 the HDI figure for Central Java Province reached 71.12% and increased by 0.6% from the previous year. This is because the large HDI figures in an area are influenced by the large HDI numbers in adjacent areas. The location / area factor is thought to have a spatial dependence effect on the HDI figure. This problem can be overcome by using spatial regression by including the relationship between regions into the model. The spatial regression approach used in this study is the Spatial Error Model (SEM). The weighting matrix used in this study is Queen Contiguity (intersection between sides and corners). This study provides results that the variables that significantly influence HDI are poverty and school enrollment rates.


Human Development Index; Queen Contiguity; Spatial Error Model (SEM); Spatial Regression

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